Looking for expertise on tree issues? You've come to the right place!
       Looking for expertise on tree issues?                 You've come to the right place!

Tree surveys, inspections and reports

You have found a property to purchase, but the surveyor or mortgage company has suggested you seek professional advice over the nearby tree? Just as you want to exchange contracts? A report is required URGENTLY?

In urgent cases, we phone you from the property to advise you if there are any serious issues and can email a draft report within a few days, and sometimes within 24 hours.

Duramen are experienced tree surveyors who can rapidly give you sound advice on trees nearby a property. Having examined hundreds of subsidence claims we know what trees can do, but careful examination of each case is recommended. There is no reason to panic just because a tree is present - soil conditions need to be examined, the species of tree identified, and the location needs to be assessed against previous claims in the area. Tree management may do the trick; tree removal may be recommended.

We will need the address of the property with postcode and your current postal address to allow us to send a hardcopy and invoice. If appropriate access details (resident phone number or estate agent phone number) will also be needed to allow access to both front and rear gardens. We will survey all trees that may influence the property regardless of specific instructions you may have been given in order to obtain a mortgage. Trees that appear to be small and insignificant now may be a lot larger (and a lot more expensive to remove!) when you have been in the property for 20 years!

Please phone for a specific quotation, with first part of your postcode and an indication of whether we will be looking at a single tree or a forest!
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© 2018: Tree, Arboricultural and Forestry Consultants. Registered Company 0487 2475

We are located at:

Duramen Consulting Ltd

Brenchley Mews

Charing, Ashford

TN27 0JW

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If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


+44 1233/713657 +44 1233/713657



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